The Dominions of the Almoravids

Quality: Average

Type: LocalLacks formal military training, typically low discipline and less morale

Soldiers: 40

Melee: 5

Missile: 11

Charge: 6

Weapon Type: Missile

Defense: 10

Armour: 4

Defense Skill: 3

Shield: 3

Hit Points: 1

Recruitment Cost: 455

Upkeep: 200

Lightly armoured skirmishers, armed with a javelin, and capable of forming a circle formation providing constant fire against the enemy.
Descendants of Moors who settled in Iberia. These lightly armoured skirmishers are capable of forming a circle formation that provides constant fire against the enemy. They use their speed to stay out of harm's way until they can hurl their javelins, then close in when the enemy is sufficiently weakened.

  • Stables
  • Sheikh's Stables
  • Amir's Stables
  • In Castles, Granadine Jinetes are recruited with Amir's Stables.