A small multi-barrel wagon mounted cannon. A good defensive tool able to fire in a nine-barrel barrage.
The Ribault, also known as the organ gun due to its many pipes, is a fearsome spectacle on the battlefield. Armed with nine short-ranged barrels, it is often used in the defence of other longer-ranged artillery. Able to fire all nine barrels at once, it makes the enemy think twice before engaging!
Soldiers: 21
Attack vs. Soldiers: 63
Attack vs. Buildings: 1
Charge: 0
Weapon Type: Cannon
Defense: 6
Armour: 3
Defense Skill: 3
Shield: 0
Hit Points: 1
Recruitment Cost: 650
Upkeep: 250
- Gunsmith
- Cannon Maker
Ribaults are recruited in Northern European Cities or Castles with a Cannon Maker after "Man-made Inferno!" Event of 1350.
- Buildings to raise Gunpowder Artillery units are available after "A Deadly New Weapon!" [Gunpowder] is discovered in the mid-13th century (1240-1250)