The Teuronic Order

Quality: Average

Type: Early Professional

Soldiers: 61

Melee: 2

Missile: 10

Charge: 2

Weapon Type: Missile

Defense: 12

Armour: 2

Defense Skill: 3

Shield: 7

Hit Points: 1

Recruitment Cost: 190

Upkeep: 180

Equipped with steel crossbows and light armour, these auxiliaries provide much needed ranged support to their heavily armoured allies.
With the union of the Teutonic and Livonian Orders, native Livonian soldiers, who previously fought alongside the Sword Brethren to eradicate Paganism from their country, now willingly fight under the banner of the Teutonic Order. Equipped with steel crossbows and light armour, these auxiliaries provide much needed ranged support to their heavily armoured allies.

  • Bowyer
  • Practice Range
  • Archery Range
  • In Castles, Livonian Auxiliaries are recruited in Archery Ranges.